Friday, March 21, 2008



With $$, too!


Anonymous said...

that's awesome! congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

That's did you hear from Darden already though?....the decision date isn't until 24 March??

Anonymous said...

Great girl !!!
Happy for ya...I know you too are waiting for CGSB like me...
Maybe we can be classmates :)

School In The Country said...

Hi there, got a call from Darden. They call the business day before the decision deadline.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for answering. Does that mean if a round two applicant doesn't get a call today...they probably didn't get accepted? Are you on the East Coast?

tinydancer said...

CONGRATS!! Looks like you have some decisions to make now!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all your admits, and all the best for the ones ahead.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Huge congratulations!! You have a really nice problem right now.. making decisions on which school you would like to accept.. and which schools you would like to ding! :-) Although they're all great schools! Very well deserved!

JulyDream said...

CONGRATS!!! You're rockin and rollin! :D

Anonymous said...

No reason to SUSTAIN THE AGONY for the rest of us by blogging incaccurate information. I received an email from Darden granting admission this Sunday evening for Round II without getting a phone call on Friday. Yipeee!!!! Incidentally, Bummer on you not getting accepted to Kellogg.......that is highway robbery given your credentials.

School In The Country said...

Hi Anonymous, congrats on your admission to Darden! I don't think that anything I've posted is inaccurate. I have only blogged what happened to me.