You wouldn't believe how much I've been thinking about Tuck v Chicago these days!
Unfortunately, I change my mind about which way I'm leaning every few days, which is very hard. I will admit that I have probably spent more time leaning toward Tuck than I have toward Chicago.
I had previously posted pros and cons for each. What I'm going to share now are the things that might make me really pick one school over another.
You may disagree with some of these! Please bear in mind that I'm presenting them as my analysis, not as facts.
* More individual attention due to smaller class size.
* Better general management program.
* Better connections to socially responsible firms, especially in my target industry.
* Scholarship $$.
* Better brand name outside of the Northeast.
* Slightly more rigorous/quantitative program.
* Slightly better caliber students.
* More to do outside of class.
So as you can see, it's not clear-cut for me yet. Tuck's ASW is this weekend and Chicago's is the next. I promise to update you if my perceptions change!
P.S. I'm really surprised to have been nominated for a ClearAdmit Best of Blogging Award! I started so late and posted so much less frequently than other bloggers. But I am flattered, and I appreciate the nod!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
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Congrats on the BoB nomination!
btw, hv u checked out this tuck vs chicago blog post?
Saw a great comment on FB to someone, thought I might share.
"Go to the school where you will be most successful (given your career choice(s) of interest) and where you will be able to fully leverage your classmates and second years. Look at individuals who possess comparable characteristics/skill-sets and examine their successes in their respective programs and their summer internship pursuits. All B-Schools basically offer the same classroom ed., it is the outside of the classroom ed. (networking and getting to know your classmates) that matters most. Bottom line, I'm truly indifferent to your choice, because it's your choice so do what's best for you."
8Schools, just thought i would extend my good wishes on the BoB nomination and a great year of blogging. Hope you are enjoying the build up to your Bschool days. Cheers.
I see you are deciding between Tuck and Chicago. Let me know if i can help you in any way by answering questions about GSB. I promise to be candid :)
They are both great but VERY different schools. If I were you, I'd choose Tuck just because they "value" me more by offering me the $ :-)
I respect your work very much. Well worded talent goes far in the journalism career. Keep up the good work, so far I've clearly understood and followed up with your writings and I just want to throw some kudos at you, very good to hear people putting their mind to words the clear way :)
Anyways, until the next time I run across your page, c ya' ciao!
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Very helpful, thanks pal. I added a link to this on my blog post on the subject.
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